Make Your Own Paper iPhone Dock [PHOTO+VIDEO]

It’s January. Spent all your well-earned cash over Christmas on presents? The turkey? One-too-many bottles of wine? Looking for a way of saving through another tough year ahead of us all?

Zimo Zimo Peter Hopwood | 09.01.2011. / 07:54

Make Your Own Paper iPhone Dock [PHOTO+VIDEO]

It’s January. Spent all your well-earned cash over Christmas on presents? The turkey? One-too-many bottles of wine? Looking for a way of saving through another tough year ahead of us all?

Look no further! For the answer is here! Your very own Paper iPhone Dock/stand that you can actually make yourself! In fact, this could be the cheapest iPhone dock ever in history.

Kao vlasnik Libris komunikacija i voditelj edukacijskih programa u Velikoj Britaniji i Hrvatskoj, Peter donosi dodatnu vrijednost u ZIMO kroz nove marketinške i komunikacijske ideje, alate, naputke i praktične savjete. have creatively, and may I say quite elegantly, come up with a template that can be cut-out, folded and twisted, and as if by magic, before your very eyes you have a paper stand ready to welcome your beloved trusty iPhone. So, waste no time in getting your hands on the deal of the decade – just go to this website, download the PDF template, print it out, follow the instructions and voila!

Those that are not used to making things as it has been a while since your origami fingertips have put together a work of art, you’ll know that you have gone wrong somewhere along the line if you end up with a miniature paper swan.

Finally, those that are not fully impressed with the concept just ask yourself one simple question – would you rather have a paper iPhone stand and a real iPhone or a real stand and a paper iPhone? Just as I thought.

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