25 Advertising Campaigns With Impact (part one)

If you are like me, then you certainly enjoy looking at a good advert! Advertising for nearly all of us is essential, whether you're a small business looking to expand your market or an established house-hold name aiming to strengthen brand recognition. We all need it. But, getting noticed online or offline, in a busy street, making your name stand out from the crowd isn't always easy. Out of the box tactics are on the agenda and a fair helping of creativity should also be on the list!

Zimo Zimo Peter Hopwood | 11.10.2010. / 07:45

25 Advertising Campaigns With Impact (part one)

If you are like me, then you certainly enjoy looking at a good advert! Advertising for nearly all of us is essential, whether you're a small business looking to expand your market or an established house-hold name aiming to strengthen brand recognition. We all need it.

Kao vlasnik Libris komunikacija i voditelj edukacijskih programa u Velikoj Britaniji i Hrvatskoj, Peter donosi dodatnu vrijednost u ZIMO kroz nove marketinške i komunikacijske ideje, alate, naputke i praktične savjete.

But, getting noticed online or offline, in a busy street, making your name stand out from the crowd isn't always easy. Out of the box tactics are on the agenda and a fair helping of creativity should also be on the list!

Something that makes you laugh, think twice or simply becomes a topic of conversation with a friend over coffee means it has created some form of impact. I have rounded up a selection of 25 outdoor advertising campaigns that hopefully will show you what some of the world's marketers (even a home grown agency from Croatia) are getting up to aiming to amaze, impress and occasionally confuse us in more ways than one.

So, sit back, scroll down and enjoy my selection of 25 Ads with impact. (12 ads in part one) with part 2 to follow.

1. Playstation 2

Campaign at a bus stop in Malaysia using bubble wrap for passengers while they wait. Irresistible.

2. Duracell

Batteries powering an escalator.

3. Such a simple idea

But those are in fact the ideas which seem to function the best. Dr. Mullally advertising his dental services.

4. Pizza Hut never Late Campaign

Confidently claiming they will always deliver your pizza on time to your door. You'll get your food so fast, it is almost as if the SWAT team delivered it! Clever and certainly visual. Can you imagine this through the streets of Zagreb?

5. Playboy magazine beach towels

Become a Playmate whenever you feel like it.

6.  Gillette razors

A very sharp idea!

7.  3M Security Glass

Who could resist not having a quick look at this curious concept again at a bus shelter (bus stop)? Is it Monopoly money or the real thing?

8. Life's too short. Jobsintown.de

An intriguing series of carefully positioned ads as part of their recent campaign. All with impact but my vote will have to go to the coffee machine. A nice thought to think there is actually someone inside making us coffee throughout the day!

9. DDB Toronto. Plastic Surgery

10. Copenhagen Zoo

11. Fitness Club – Zagreb

Passes by were curious to know if they could actually lift the weight off the floor. The call to action was simply ' So you think you can?' The concept raised a fair amount of awareness and in turn boosted the member of memberships within the following month.

12. FedEx post services

Great idea which from a distance works well. Just remember to keep your arm still by your side

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