Apple: Ne radi se o bugu, moguće je nadograditi iWork, iLife i Aperture

Danas se na Appleovom App Storeu dogodila vrlo neobična stvar, a to je da su svi korisnici, bilo da imaju ilegalnu ili probnu verziju iWorka ili iLifea bili u mogućnosti nadograditi “besplatno” softver.

Saša Fišter | 24.10.2013. / 21:01

Apple: Ne radi se o bugu, moguće je nadograditi iWork, iLife i Aperture

Danas se na Appleovom App Storeu dogodila vrlo neobična stvar, a to je da su svi korisnici, bilo da imaju ilegalnu ili probnu verziju iWorka ili iLifea bili u mogućnosti nadograditi “besplatno” softver.

U početku se pretpostavljalo da se radi o bugu, no sve zajedno predugo traje da ga Apple ne bi zakrpao. MacTrastu, kao i svima nama ostalima, ovo je bilo vrlo čudno, pa su odlučili istražiti što se zapravo zbiva i kako to da je Apple odjednom tako darežljiv.

U nastavku možete pročitati obrazloženje iz Applea:

“Nije slučajnost da Appleova podrška ne omogućuje preuzimanje novih verzija Aperturea, iWorka i iLifea. Oni se čak niti ne nalaze u našem 

It’s no coincidence that Apple’s support site doesn’t have downloads for the new Aperture, iWork, and iLife updates. They aren’t in our Software Update system either – and there’s a good reason for that. With Mavericks, we have changed the way we distribute updates for legacy versions of our apps .

Rather than maintain separate updates for these in addition to the Mac App Store versions of each app, Apple has decided to eliminate their legacy software update system for apps entirely. Instead, when Mavericks discovers legacy apps installed on your Mac, it provisions them as a Mac App Store purchase using your Apple ID. It saves us a lot of time, effort, and bandwidth. After the provision is complete, it will appear in your Mac App Store history as though you have purchased the Mac App Store version of the app. 

While we are aware that this enables piracy of our apps for unethical users, Apple has never taken a strong stance or action against piracy in the past. We like to believe that our users are honest, even if that belief is in vain.

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