The Lost World Of Your Sofa [PHOTO]

Look into the back of your sofa and I guarantee you'll find things that you never knew you had! We've all managed to lose things that somehow get sucked into the mysterious world of the back of the sofa and months later, while having a clean up, things appear as if by magic. The remote control you spent weeks searching for, coins, keys, buttons..if you've lost it, it'll probably end up there!

Zimo Zimo Peter Hopwood | 18.11.2010. / 15:01

The Lost World Of Your Sofa [PHOTO]

Look into the back of your sofa and I guarantee you'll find things that you never knew you had! We've all managed to lose things that somehow get sucked into the mysterious world of the back of the sofa and months later, while having a clean up, things appear as if by magic. The remote control you spent weeks searching for, coins, keys, buttons..if you've lost it, it'll probably end up there!

Recently presented at, DesignTide Tokyo 2010 Japanese design studio Daisuke Motogi Architecture, have produced a sofa that is made for hiding things! Collectively, it's based on cubes that are upholstered together forming the frame shape of the sofa.

You can store things within the cubed compartments like books or cards. Perhaps you might want to just use it to hold things like a flower, remote control or magazine – the possibilities are endless. They've even suggested that it would be a way to hold a cup of coffee! Maybe not so attractive to look at, but it certainly gets thumbs up for being practical and functional to say the least.

Kao vlasnik Libris komunikacija i voditelj edukacijskih programa u Velikoj Britaniji i Hrvatskoj, Peter donosi dodatnu vrijednost u ZIMO kroz nove marketinške i komunikacijske ideje, alate, naputke i praktične savjete.
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