The Sketchbook Tour 2011 [VIDEO]

We always hear of ideas but every once-in-a-while we come across something special. Wouldn’t it be nice to be part of a worldwide creative project including 94 countries with no less than 28838 artists?

Zimo Zimo Peter Hopwood | 13.02.2011. / 09:56

The Sketchbook Tour 2011 [VIDEO]

We always hear of ideas but every once-in-a-while we come across something special. Wouldn’t it be nice to be part of a worldwide creative project including 94 countries with no less than 28838 artists? The Sketchbook Project does exactly that.

Kao vlasnik Libris komunikacija i voditelj edukacijskih programa u Velikoj Britaniji i Hrvatskoj, Peter donosi dodatnu vrijednost u ZIMO kroz nove marketinške i komunikacijske ideje, alate, naputke i praktične savjete.

For anyone who has ever kept a sketchbook – you’ll love this idea! Simply, the Sketchbook project is a way of bringing together sketchbooks full of ideas, drawings, doodles and anything else you might come across within a sketchbook and showcase them within a permanent exhibition at New York City’s Brooklyn Art Library.

All the sketchbooks get bar-coded and electronically filed then throughout the year, the concept goes on tour letting people from all over America get a chance to mingle through the ‘small pieces of art’ at various cities including Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington DC.

The tour begins in just a few weeks and has managed to capture the imagination of a staggering 28838 artists from around the globe. The great thing about this project is that anyone can get involved. Which is perfect for those who consider themselves to be artists and equally those who just love to jot things down – shapes, colours, words and ideas.

The exhibitions will be filmed and the Brooklyn Art Library will be broadcast live over the internet so even if you are half-way across the world you’ll be able to get a taste of the action as it happens.

Each sketchbook is given a barcode with a unique number so wonderfully you can always keep track of your book and record who views it at every tour date. Your book will never get lost and artists will be able go on-line and view real-time statistics about their book for years to come.

Shortly, entries will be taken for the next tour in 2012 so if you’d like to get involved keep track of the website here.

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