"David Bowie umro je spokojno, okružen svojom obitelji, nakon hrabre borbe s rakom koja je trajala 18 mjeseci", objavljeno je u priopćenju na službenim stranicama društvenih mreža poznatog kantautora.
January 10 2016 - David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle with...
Posted by David Bowie on Sunday, January 10, 2016
Vijest je na Twitteru potvrdio i njegov sin Duncan Jones, napisavši uz zajedničku fotografiju: "Vrlo mi je žao i tužan sam zbog toga što moram reći da je to istina. Bit ću offline neko vrijeme".
Very sorry and sad to say it's true. I'll be offline for a while. Love to all. pic.twitter.com/Kh2fq3tf9m
— Duncan Jones (@ManMadeMoon) January 11, 2016
Bowie je nedavno, nakon tri godine pauze, proslavio svoj 69. rođendan novim albumom "Black Star".
U svom zadnjem glazbenom videu za pjesmu "Lazarus", objavljenom samo tri dana prije smrti, Bowie pjeva o tome kako je "živio kao kralj" te kako je sad "u raju", "nema ništa za izgubiti" i konačno je "slobodan kao ptica".
U svojoj karijeri, dugoj više od 40 godina, utjecajni pjevač, tekstopisac i producent, eksperimentirao je s raznim glazbenim smjerovima kao što su rock, soul, hard rock, dance pop, a bilo je tu i prizvuka punka, kao i elektronike. Među njegovim brojnim hitovima nalaze se pjesme "Let's Dance", "Space Oddity", "Heroes", "Under Pressure", "China Girl", "Modern Love", "Rebel, Rebel", "All the Young Dudes", "Panic in Detroit, Fashion", "Life on Mars", "Suffragette City"…
Milijuni obožavatelja se putem društvenih mreža opraštaju s velikom glazbenom zvijezdom.
MESSAGE FROM IGGY:"David’s friendship was the light of my life. I never met such a brilliant person. He was the best...
Posted by Iggy Pop on Monday, January 11, 2016
Such shocking, awful news. RIP David Bowie.
Goodbye my friend. You gave us everything. Thank you for the music and the dinners and the laughter and the friendship. I will always love you.
Posted by Moby on Monday, January 11, 2016
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 11, 2016
Never imagined a world without him. He has ascended into the cosmos from whence he came. Farewell, David Bowie
— Elijah Wood (@elijahwood) January 11, 2016
Nearly brought to tears by sudden news of @DavidBowieReal David Bowie's passing RIP
— Billy Idol (@BillyIdol) January 11, 2016
It's only when you hear something like this that you realise how much an artist can feel like part of you. RIP David Bowie and thank you.
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) January 11, 2016
RIP David . I loved your music. I loved you. One of the greatest performance artists to have ever lived. #sorrow
— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) January 11, 2016
He never seemed of this earth. Now he's left it. He bent rules, gender, genres, and our minds. RIP David Bowie. One. Of. A. Kind.
— josh groban (@joshgroban) January 11, 2016
The world has lost an amazing artist @DavidBowieReal but his music, memory & inspiration will live on❤️ #DavidBowie pic.twitter.com/Hgju7aqII4
— Kandee Johnson (@kandeejohnson) January 11, 2016