Bags with Buzz - 25 Advertising Campaigns With Impact (part 2)

As promised, the second helping of 25 Advertising Campaigns With Impact. Bombarded with images, information and messages throughout the day it takes some lean thinking with a fair amount of creativity and inspiration to stand out and be different.

Zimo Zimo Peter Hopwood | 14.10.2010. / 13:23

Bags with Buzz - 25 Advertising Campaigns With Impact (part 2)

As promised, the second helping of 25 Advertising Campaigns With Impact. Bombarded with images, information and messages throughout the day it takes some lean thinking with a fair amount of creativity and inspiration to stand out and be different.

Kao vlasnik Libris komunikacija i voditelj edukacijskih programa u Velikoj Britaniji i Hrvatskoj, Peter donosi dodatnu vrijednost u ZIMO kroz nove marketinške i komunikacijske ideje, alate, naputke i praktične savjete.

See part one here 25 Advertising Campaigns With Impact.

The following selection is what’s known in the business as ‘bagvertising’. An excellent concept to build brand awareness, injecting a little creativity into the appearance, form and shape of the bag attracting attention which certainly gives the onlooker something to think about.

Perhaps some of the many supermarket chains in Croatia would benefit from redesigning the regular plastic bag in a clever and creative way to stand out from the competition.

1. Simple but effectively powerful

VW handed out this eye-catching paper bag during the Paris Motor show at the entrance. The VW stand became one of the busiest throughout the show.

2. Bulgarian ‘Shumensko’ Beer

These have now become collector’s items!

3. Watch out!

Customers who bought a well known Belgian/Flemish writer’s crime novel were treated with this bag. You could imagine the various scenarios! Don’t go to the airport with this under your arm.

4. Get in shape

An inspiration to lose the kilos and get in shape.

5. Nail biter

A product which apparently helps to prevent nail-biting. I’m not too sure about the product but the clever idea has won me over.

6. Give Me Your Hand

Give your hand to Greenpeace.

7. Underwear

An interesting concept.

8. The floating bag.

9. YKM

Skipping ropes from YKM.

Finally, three more examples of creative advertising with impact using elevators.

10. Gold’s Gym

11. Watch where you step!

12. Swiss Skydive parachute school.

13. A creative divorce lawyer.

Which of these ads are your favourite?

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