DICE Awards: Fallout 4 proglašen igrom godine

Pod pokroviteljstvom Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences održana je 19. po redu DICE Awards manifestacija.

Monika Nožić Monika Nožinić | 21.02.2016. / 12:09

Slika nije dostupna (Foto: Zimo)

19. po redu DICE (Design, Innovate, Communicate, Entertain) Awards manifestacija održana je ovih dana pod pokroviteljstvom Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences, a objavljeni su i pobjednici u brojnim kategorijama igara i gaminga.

Veliki pobjednik ovog događaja je Fallout 4, koji je izabran za igru godine (GOTY), a dobio je i nagrade Outstanding Achievement in Game Direction i Role-Playing/Massively Multiplayer GOTY.

Osim Bethesdinog naslova, dosta dobro su prošle i igre Rocket League, The Witcher 3 i Ori and the Blind Forest.

Osim uobičajenih nagrada koje se dodjeljuju svake godine, preminuli predsjednik Nintenda, Satoru Iwata, posthumno je dobio nagradu za životno djelo, a Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences je poznatog japanskog dizajnera video igara, Hideo Kojimu, uvrstila u  kuću slavnih.

Cjelokupan popis pobjednika DICE Awards za PC izgleda ovako:

Game of the Year: Fallout 4
Outstanding Achievement in Game Direction: Fallout 4
Role-Playing/Massively Multiplayer GOTY: Fallout 4
Outstanding Achievement in Game Design: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Outstanding Achievement in Story: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Outstanding Technical Achievement: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Action GOTY: Star Wars Battlefront
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design: Star Wars Battlefront
Adventure GOTY: Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
Fighting GOTY: Mortal Kombat X
DICE Sprite Award: Rocket League
Sports GOTY: Rocket League
Strategy/Simulation GOTY: Heroes of the Storm
Outstanding Achievement in Animation: Ori and the Blind Forest
Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction: Ori and the Blind Forest
Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composition: Ori and the Blind Forest
Outstanding Achievement in Character: Rise of the Tomb Raider

Izvor: PC Gamer

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