It’s Here! Facebook’s Real-Time Newspaper [VIDEO]

Imagine a way of organising what your Facebook contacts have published. Imagine a concept which helps you to search and absorb the news from your friends – all in a familiar, easy-to-read tabloid format. Well, it’s here! PostPost has arrived!

Zimo Zimo Peter Hopwood | 07.12.2010. / 19:11

It’s Here! Facebook’s Real-Time Newspaper [VIDEO]

Imagine a way of organising what your Facebook contacts have published. Imagine a concept which helps you to search and absorb the news from your friends – all in a familiar, easy-to-read tabloid format. Well, it’s here! PostPost has arrived!

Kao vlasnik Libris komunikacija i voditelj edukacijskih programa u Velikoj Britaniji i Hrvatskoj, Peter donosi dodatnu vrijednost u ZIMO kroz nove marketinške i komunikacijske ideje, alate, naputke i praktične savjete.

PostPost is a real-time personal social newspaper that brings together posts from friends, ready in a simple newspaper layout. Users can quickly skim through relevant texts and have everything in front of you in a more 'traditional' format. It's an ideal way of digesting and keeping up to date with what's going on in your particular social circle.

Users can also comment on, like and re-share content directly from the PostPost platform.

PostPost is now ready for everyone to use and available to the public for free. Over the next few months, the TigerLogic PostPost team will no doubt continue to add extra features to PostPost.

How do I get started?

To get going with PostPost, users simply login using Facebook, and seconds all shared links, pictures, videos and articles from your Facebook friends will explode across the front page of your personal paper. Just like a real newspaper but all your friends are the real-time editors.

For more information visit

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