Laptop’s 30th Birthday

Whenever you hear someone talk about the chunky, heavy-bricked mobile phones of the past

Zimo Zimo Peter Hopwood | 04.04.2011. / 21:07

Laptop’s 30th Birthday

Whenever you hear someone talk about the chunky, heavy-bricked mobile phones of the past, spare a thought for the very first laptop that was the pioneer for a whole host of loveable hand-held machines.

Let's go back thirty years to April 3rd, 1981. This was the day the world set eyes on the world's first mass produced laptop computer – unveiled at the West Coast Computer convention in San Francisco as the Osbourne 1.

Kao vlasnik Libris komunikacija i voditelj edukacijskih programa u Velikoj Britaniji i Hrvatskoj, Peter donosi dodatnu vrijednost u ZIMO kroz nove marketinške i komunikacijske ideje, alate, naputke i praktične savjete.

The stunning smooth plastic which somehow reminds you of an 80s sewing machine weighed no less than 23 1/2 pounds, which had superb plastic case that would close up tightly even featuring a handle.

Designed to be portable, it was this feature that made people drop their jaws in amazement. The Osborne 1 was actually the size and weight of an 80s sewing machine and advertised as the only computer that would fit underneath an airline seat.

With an astonishing 64K of RAM, and a five-inch monochrome CRT display with room for two single-sided floppy drives, this was set to drive consumers crazy – after a short stream of success, this machine inspired others to create improved versions and so changed the course of history.

So, for those who are suspicious of the iPad having its place in today's 'portable' world – try going to work on the metro with one of these things on your lap. Reading the news? Or shortening a pair of jeans?

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