The Coolest Gadget Organiser on the Planet [VIDEO+PHOTO]

You can hear your mobile phone ringing somewhere deep down at the bottom of your bag. Chargers and headphone wires have become one big tangled nest.

Zimo Zimo Peter Hopwood | 12.01.2011. / 17:15

The Coolest Gadget Organiser on the Planet [VIDEO+PHOTO]

You can hear your mobile phone ringing somewhere deep down at the bottom of your bag. Chargers and headphone wires have become one big tangled nest.

Kao vlasnik Libris komunikacija i voditelj edukacijskih programa u Velikoj Britaniji i Hrvatskoj, Peter donosi dodatnu vrijednost u ZIMO kroz nove marketinške i komunikacijske ideje, alate, naputke i praktične savjete.

To top it all – it takes five minutes to find your keys, amongst the gadgets, objects and bits and pieces that somehow end up in your bag. You'd like to be more organised in 2011, wouldn't you? This could be the answer that will not only organize your gadgets but also your life!

Grid-It by Cocoon is a gadget storage organizer panel with unlimited versatility. Consisting of rubberized elastic bands, Cocoon Grid-It manages to hold any kind of object firmly in place. The system which comes in 3 size formats, lets you organize gadgets of all shapes and sizes in limitless configurations. I have to say, it really seems to work. Gadgets and electronics of all shapes and sizes – adapters, labello tubes, pens, notepads and even your packed lunch would stay safe and secure!

Dario Antonioni, the creator of the concept designed it to be versatile, so if you're travelling, you can simply pull out your organiser and send it through the airport security machine. Alternatively, children can use it to keep everything they use for school in one place and even when those drawers start to end up overflowing with objects you just don't want to throw away, this could be the answer.

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