3 Amazing Slow Motion Commercials

There's something unexplainable about using slow motion techniques in advertising. Soothing yet strangely appealing. Perhaps this proves why advertising formats come and go but slow motion will somehow always be a hit with the consumer.

Zimo Zimo Peter Hopwood | 08.11.2010. / 17:01

3 Amazing Slow Motion Commercials

There's something unexplainable about using slow motion techniques in advertising. Soothing yet strangely appealing. Perhaps this proves why advertising formats come and go but slow motion will somehow always be a hit with the consumer.

Kao vlasnik Libris komunikacija i voditelj edukacijskih programa u Velikoj Britaniji i Hrvatskoj, Peter donosi dodatnu vrijednost u ZIMO kroz nove marketinške i komunikacijske ideje, alate, naputke i praktične savjete.

I've decided to share with you a selection of my 3 favourite commercials which have been brought down to snail speed. They show how ultra slow motion cameras capture images that hopefully will stir up an emotion convincing us to buy their product. They all manage to express a sense of relaxation but equally grasp the viewer's attention.


Firstly, we enter the wonderful world of the water balloon. Admit it – we all love the feeling of the squishy-squashy water filled balloon flying through the air ready to explode.

Pedigree dog food

From flying balloons to flying dogs. Pedigree dog food perfectly captures some bionic movement as well as the expressive emotion on the dog's faces.


Finally, I’ve saved the best until last. IKEA have created an incredibly flowing commercial titled ‘Hooray for the everyday!’. It simply incorporates shots from daily habits and events like brushing our teeth, making breakfast and blow-drying our hair and winding down the speed in order to focus more on the products.

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