Keep Warm While You Tweet


Zimo Zimo Peter Hopwood | 05.11.2010. / 09:27

Keep Warm While You Tweet

It’s getting cold. As I learnt very quickly, Croatian winters can certainly give their fair share of frosty weather and for many of us, we are once again faced with the common problem of battling our touchscreen gadget with the large (warm) woolly gloves we were given at our last birthday.

Kao vlasnik Libris komunikacija i voditelj edukacijskih programa u Velikoj Britaniji i Hrvatskoj, Peter donosi dodatnu vrijednost u ZIMO kroz nove marketinške i komunikacijske ideje, alate, naputke i praktične savjete.

Remember, like it or not, we’ve come to live in a touchscreen world. There are certainly a range of touchscreen-friendly gloves on the market that often seem to be too bulky or not as effective as they could be.

Agloves has come up with the solution! Firstly, they provide ten-finger touchscreen conductivity so you can use devices which need more than two fingers to operate such as the Ipad or touchscreen keyboards. Visually, they seem to be a normal pair of gloves which welcomly, prevents you from looking like a geek.

There is a silver thread which is incorporated throughout the glove giving fingertips even more conductivity – perfect for those who love to text!

Lightweight, unisex and also washable – this simple but effective pair of gloves works perfectly on touchscreen gadgets and could be the way forward in its field.

Below, a selection of previously designed gadget gloves on the market.

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