The Mobile Cheaper Than A Big Mac

I’m sure you’ve seen the photos. Going back to the 80s when mobiles first appeared on the market. The size of a brick, costing extreme amounts of money and a status symbol for any sophisticated businessman. Today, you can buy a mobile for less than a Big Mac!

Zimo Zimo Peter Hopwood | 08.11.2010. / 12:25

The Mobile Cheaper Than A Big Mac

I’m sure you’ve seen the photos. Going back to the 80s when mobiles first appeared on the market. The size of a brick, costing extreme amounts of money and a status symbol for any sophisticated businessman. Today, you can buy a mobile for less than a Big Mac!

Kao vlasnik Libris komunikacija i voditelj edukacijskih programa u Velikoj Britaniji i Hrvatskoj, Peter donosi dodatnu vrijednost u ZIMO kroz nove marketinške i komunikacijske ideje, alate, naputke i praktične savjete.

The British mobile supplier, Carphone Warehouse is introducing the ultimate throwaway gadget – the 99p (approx. 8 kunas) mobile phone. Simple, lightweight and user-friendly – perfect for those who want to get away from the cutting-edge of technology.

The pre-pay Alcatel OT-209 which went on sale across the UK at the beginning of November, seems to be a regular phone with no fancy buttons or features which could prove to be a hit this Christmas. This is the latest example of Britain’s throwaway consumer culture.

There seems to be a trend towards consumers only making large investments unless it’s something really special. We see the ‘iphone’ as strong as ever but a lot of people will look for an alternative as long as it works. The cost of the high-class mobiles seems to be out-of-reach for a percentage of the population and society somehow is looking for basic functional gadgets.

I imagine, many would see this as a phone that would act as a backup in the event of a mobile breakdown or getting it stolen which probably has happened to all of us.

As hard times continue, will we see more of this ‘no thrills’ consumer culture as we all tend to spend money on the essential priorities in our lives?

The good old days of black heavy mobiles

The Alcatel OT-209 for 99p

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