Filmography 2010 – 270 Films in 6 Minutes [VIDEO]

I’ve always loved the movies. Transported to a make-believe world in front of the big screen in a dark room – giant popcorn in one hand, giant jumbo coke in the other and waiting half-an-hour to get through the advertisements before the movie actually gets going! There’s nothing quite like the movies!

Zimo Zimo Peter Hopwood | 16.12.2010. / 08:44

Filmography 2010 – 270 Films in 6 Minutes [VIDEO]

I’ve always loved the movies. Transported to a make-believe world in front of the big screen in a dark room – giant popcorn in one hand, giant jumbo coke in the other and waiting half-an-hour to get through the advertisements before the movie actually gets going! There’s nothing quite like the movies!

And so, towards the end of the year – a time where we all love to take a trip down memory lane over the past 12 months looking at moments which made the year what it was, genrocks has beautifully edited no less than 270 different films, spreading over a period of 6 minutes – all released in 2010.

Quite a genius piece of work combining various musical clips, vibrant characters and powerful scenes giving us all a treat, even though we may not have seen the movies first hand. Those curious to discover the movie titles can find the complete list of films used in the ‘movie remix’ here.

All that leaves me to say is simply, sit back, relax and enjoy the movies that made 2010 a movie year to remember!

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